Monday 26 November 2012

Don't give up on us* - David Soul

It has been a pretty crazy past few weeks! Been so busy...

I really hate seeing this blog neglected like this. =(

In any event, who even notices what goes on here? Who blogs anymore? I asked my students the other day if anyone keeps a blog and they gave me the "look"! It's like so last decade, isn't it?

Still, i dun blog for the sake of my "readers" - if there are still any left!!!! I do it for meself. An act of reflection.

But these days, that seems like a luxury. So little time to just sit and think and reflect. 

This is bad.

So i'm not gonna give up on this blog. Not yet. I still see the good in blogging. And although i am very much restricted these days with what i blog, that still should not prevent me from blogging at all.

Now if only i can find the time...

*His biggest - and some say his only - hit song!

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