Saturday, 25 November 2017

Hello, Goodbye* - The Beatles

By February next year, i would have been sitting at my cubicle for 8 years. The only one from the Law School who moved in there in 2010 and still be there on the 9th floor of Block E.

The same chair, the same table. Now they ask me to move. At such short notice.


Some of my colleagues are not too pleased with this. Some are getting emotional.

Me? Well, it's inconvenient - but i guess being older and experiencing so much changes in life, it does't really bother me that much.

I'll miss the old place. But i guess I miss the people more - so since most of my close friends have left already, the place is just that - a place.

Trying to look at the positives! I'm facing the window now so i also have more space to keep my things. And it's way brighter - with a built-in fluorescent lamp. The people at the new place have so far seem friendly - unlike my previous place where it was all 'business' like and no one bothered to even make eye contact! I'm with the hospitality school so i guess they should be pretty hospitable!

On top of everything, i have a view at my new place!!!!! =)

Hello new place and new people, goodbye old place.

At the end of the day, it'll still be business as usual. Work, work, work.

*Their single for Christmas 1967 - 50 years ago! And still so good.

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