Monday 18 February 2019

King of Comedy* - R.E.M.

The King of Comedy has returned with a new movie - entitled "The New King of Comedy". Stephen Chow is back! And I absolutely love this new movie of his.

No, it's not a laugh out loud every 2 minutes kind of movie but i thought it was really really enjoyable. Some say it may be his own story - of how he made it to be a comedian.

I enjoyed it as it is a real story, about real people, with real issues, and real struggles, and real dreams. Stephen Chow is truly a genius to me.

The lesson of the movie is clear - hold on to your dreams, work hard and no matter what the obstacles are, if you are willing to persevere, you will reap the fruits.

This song from the movie was one of my favourite scenes in the movie. Enjoy.

*A track from their album, Monster.

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