Thursday 1 May 2008

Mad season* - Matchbox 20

Labour Day.

The year 2 students are labouring, alright - over their Land Law paper right at this very moment! Yes, today marks the first day of the exam period - the mad season!!! Yes, they do not have Labour Day in the UK (nor do they have Conservative Day!!!).

So that means we don't have Labour Day too!!! Altho i was labouring earlier setting up the exam hall!!! The people in charge did not set it up so we had to do it ourselves. Thank God we managed to do it on time.

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be encountering sleep-deprived students, highly strung (due to the increased intake of nicotine and caffeine) and stressed out. In fact, we have been encountering them for the past week or two.

It's funny cuz i feel all stressed-up too! I can feel what they are going thru!!! Of course i know what they are going thru. But unlike the times when i had to sit for the exams meself, this time round, i dun enjoy the experience of the 3 hours in the exam hall taking on the challenge set forth by that piece of paper called the exam paper!

No, i'm not kidding. I used to enjoy exams. Yes, i was a nerd. Still am, i guess. Yes, i used to get stressed up too - but the moment the time starts ticking in the exam hall, everything just fades away and it's just this duel between me and the exam paper - and i'm given the opportunity to show what i've got! I loved it! :-)

Anyways, i really hope me students all do really well - i know how much they have worked.

*The title track and 3rd single of their second album.


Anonymous said...

*shake hands* on the part that exam is rather enjoyable.

imissw said...

haha. one geek, one nerd!

miss you! there's an old man in yr room!!!

Anonymous said...

The old man is a pleasant guy.
Thank you for missing me, you seemed really tired on that Thursday. You deserve a big rest after marking the papers.

Let me know when you have the mood and stomach for sweet and sour pork.

imissw said...

the mood and stomach are always there. it's just the time... :-(