Wednesday 13 March 2013

Blame it on the rain* - Milli Vanilli

Went for a haircut. After it was done, i heard the thunder rumbling. I knew i had to rush to beat the rain. But i was too late. It had oredi started raining.

That meant i was trapped!!!

Well, it's not a bad thing, right? After all, it was a mall i was in - and i could wander around, checking things out, something that i have not had the chance to do for a while...

But yes, it *is* a bad thing! Wandering around could mean spending money too!!!!

And yes, i spent quite a bit. Well, according to my budget, anyways. Bought some books. =)

But they are books! And books are good, are they not?


Anyways, it was the fault of the rain...

*Their big hit - which was not sung by them! Still, it had a catchy tune! =)

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