Monday, 4 March 2013

Thank you* - Dido

I was just thinking about the account where Jesus healed 10 lepers. He told them to go and get themselves checked by the priests - they were the people who can official declare that they are healed. As they wemt, they were healed - but only 1 came back to thank Jesus.

To a small extent, i felt that way recently. 9 students were pestering me to sign their Certificate of Good Behaviour. I had to arrange with another colleague to bring it over to them as they were overseas.

Only 3 bothered to write back to me to let me know she received it and to thank me for it. The others - some who were communicating with me so regularly on this - got  their cert and remained quiet.

Sigh... not the first time, tho. As a lecturer, when the students need you to do something, they will be yr best frens at times - but when they have no need of you, you'll become the invisible man.

I guess this is a good reminder to me to always be grateful to the Lord and to others around me - and not to take them for granted. Sometimes, it is so easy to say a simple "thank you". And that simple gesture can mean so much. But it's the simple things that we forget most of the time...

Still, before you think all my students are an ungrateful lot, i must say that many of them have expressed their gratitude to me. Here are just some of the thank you notes that i have received which is pinned-up on my cubicle wall now.

*Her first big hit - and this song was first featured in the movie, "Sliding Doors".

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