Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Love changes everything* - Michael Ball

Yesterday, I read a lot of posts and articles about the May 13 riots and killings. As usual, I'll look at the comments and as usual, it troubled me a lot. There were many comments which showed no sympathy to those who were killed. Instead, it appears that the sentiment is that if we are provoked, then we have the right to not only retaliate but to even take your life - and if that happens, we are not to be blamed. Those who started the provocation (or even those vaguely associated with them) asked for it and they deserved it. (On a side note - we all know that provocation can only ever be a partial defence to reduce the maximum sentence but it never justifies a crime).

Have we become such a bloodthirsty and unforgiving people? Maybe that is why many are against the abolishment of state sanctioned murder (capital punishment) because we want blood to be shed before we can move. Can't we realise that violence and bloodshed will not solve anything? And that an eye for an eye will make us all blind to humanity. While (SPOILER ALERT) cutting off Thanos' head may feel good at the moment, we will all soon find that we are left empty as it does not bring back those who are gone - and will just turn to junk food and video games to cover up the emptiness.

Instead of being vengeful and angry and filled with hatred, living in the past, let's all strive to move on with love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. The greatest of these of course is love. What a country we will be if we can exhibit that to the abundance. I look to the new generation to do this for the sake of my children and all our children.

*This song was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber for the musical, Aspects of Love.

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