Thursday 5 July 2007

Eat it* - Weird Al Yankovic

Yes, i love eating. And i would like to think that i am pretty adventurous when it comes to food! I love the Scottish Haggis, i eat raw Jap food (not alive, tho), i enjoy the internal organs of the pig (bah kut teh and pork noodles must come wif pork stomach and intestines) and the weirdest stuff i've eaten so far are deep fried locusts and - i think - maggots (it looked like maggots and we din understand the Thai lady who was selling it)!!!

When i visit me mates in the jungles, we get some pretty interesting stuffs. We usually get really good and fresh river fishes (patin) and wild boar. I have to confess tho, that there was one time, we were treated to river terrapin - and subesequently, i discovered it was endangered. *hangs head in shame* But it was good also! ;-P

The last time we went a couple of weeks ago, we saw this roadkill along the way - it was a monitor lizard (see pic below of a monitor lizard KC and i encountered at Pedu Lake yars ago - fierce fella). We joked about turning back to collect it and eat it - but we din.

So imagine to our surprise when it was time for dinner, our host informed us that we were in for a treat - they caught and cooked a monitor lizard!!!!! So we were gonna have lizard after all!!!!

The verdict? The meat was tough - but it tasted like pork. And the way our host cooked it was pretty delicious!!! Still, i think we enjoyed the thought of eating it more that the act itself!!!!

JL happily eating the lizard - gotta give her credit for doin so cuz she was initially a lil scared.

*His famous spoof of Michael Jackson's Beat It. I still can remember the video which was simply hilarious!

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