Tuesday 3 July 2007

Under pressure* - Queen & David Bowie

Word has gone round that since i got meself a spanking new toy, i must be very rich. Well, no!

I actually din have the money to pay for it. So why buy it now, you may ask. Well, the camera shop was offering to let me pay for the camera in 12 monthly instalments interest free! But the main reason is cuz of Kenny & Fany's wedding this weekend.

You see, I've been toying with the idea of doing some part-time free lance photography!!! And i figured if i can get around 4 gigs, that would more than cover the cost of the camera.

I happen to think (and some have agreed too) that i do come out wif some pretty nice shots using me good old compact - and i love taking pics. I dun know if i'll be able to do it as a means of a side income - but i'll never know unless i try, won't i? I've checked out a lot of pro's port-folios online and to be honest, i'm not too impressed with them. And i've seen how switching from a compact to a DSLR made a huge difference in some people's photos too!

With the wedding coming up - and being good mates wif both the bride and groom - i offered to be one of his photographers, and to do it for free! The condition of course is that i'll use the pics to come out wif a port-folio that potential clients can view.

So there you go. I've had me new toy now for more than a week to get accustomed to - and man, it's a whole different kettle of fish altogether!!! There is so much to learn!!!! I mean, as i was telling one of me mates, i din invest in a DSLR just to take photos in the "auto" mode!!!

The results so far have not been too encouraging - or maybe my expectations are too high. I have managed some pretty brilliant shots effortlessly. But some others have been either average shots or bad ones. There's so much to learn - fiddling with the shutter speed, the ISO settings, the white-light compensation, the apperture number, etc. That's the problem of growing up only using auto cameras all me life!!!! And having to use the viewfinder takes getting used to also. Suffice to say, my level of confidence has gone down. :-(

So i felt the pressure mounting when i was approached by the groom-to-be last Sunday and he broke the news to me - i will be the only photographer not taking photos in "raw" format. As such, they will need to use my photos on that day itself!!!!

Lemme explain - the day will start with the "receiving of the bride" and the "tea ceremony" in the morning. The wedding will take place in the evening and the wedding dinner at night. So what will happen then is that my photos of the tea ceremony will be on display before the wedding ceremony in the evening. And my photos of the tea ceremony and wedding ceremony will be on display during the wedding dinner!!!!!

"Sure", i said to Kenny, smiling. "Anything for you, man!". I almost convinced meself wif my air of confidence! Almost...

I had initially thought that if i messed up all me photos, it'd be alrite. I'll just keep them for me records and laugh over them in the future. Now, everyone will see me photos!!!!! In their unedited format!!!!!

Under pressure.... *sweats*

*This was Queen's first released collaboration with another recording artist. It reached #1 on the UK Singles Chart. The distinct bassline was sampled in 1990 by Vanilla Ice.

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