Thursday 28 August 2008

Absence of fear* - Jewel

I was reading the local newspaper the Sun just now and there was an interesting write-up regarding what happened in the recent by-elections. The analysis was done by Himanshu Bhatt.

The writer gave his views on what Anwar did right and what the BN did wrong. Anwar had a clear and consistent agenda. He emphasised the importance of the rights of all races. He pushed for ethnic harmony. He promised openness in the media. He deplored the ruling government's economic management of the country. He raised issues about the lack of transparency in the present government.

In contrast, BN just did what they had always done - launched a campaign of fear. It is true that you cannot teach old dogs new tricks. It has been their one and only tactic for so long. Instead of telling what they can do, they continually harp on what will happen if they are not voted in. I'll never forget the full page adverts put in newspapers asking people to vote them or else race riots will take place.

Now, they try to frighten the Malays saying that their rights will be taken away.

Yes, nothing has changed.

As Himanshu said in his article, "In contrast, the BN leaders relied to a large degree on an attempt to build a fear of Anwar - that he was double-faced, that he was a trouble-maker, that he was immoral".

This time, it back-fired. As it did in the March general elections. Himanshu went on saying, "It hardly seemed to work. Already riding on widespread resentment towards the BN government’s social and economic policies, Anwar made sure he presented an agenda that appeared intelligent, humane and well-defined".

Read the article

On a closing note, i noted that Himanshu said some nice things about Arif Shah. Me? I think he's a sore loser. Here is what he was quoted saying after losing:-

Voters were influenced by propaganda and slanders by the Opposition during their ceramah.

There were also threats circulated through SMS by irresponsible people that caused many voters to stay away.
Source: see here.

*The last track from her 3rd album, Spirit (altho there is a 'hidden track' after this song). I love this song!

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