Sunday 10 July 2011

That's not it* - Jasmine Solano

I remember the last time Bersih had a rally, there was this person who complained about it - cuz it caused him to be late for the musical, The Phantom of the Opera.

This time round, i read from Facebook a friend (yes, she is a friend on FB) complaining about the Bersih planned rally cuz she could not go into town without a massive traffic jam to do retail therapy!!!

Well, everyone has the right to express their view but IMHO i think they kind missed the point here. What Bersih is doing is surely more important than a musical ( a really one at that) or traffic free roads or shopping.

Let us remind ourselves of the objectives of Bersih. They are calling for inter alia an overhaul of voter registration lists, tougher measures to curb fraud and fairer opportunities for opposition politicians to campaign in government-linked media. They are not even calling for the overthrow of the present government. If the next government is elected fairly and cleanly, then well and good - doesn't matter which party is the one that wins.

But the response of the government has convinced a lot of people today that they are not fit to take charge. Even things like human rights have all be thrown out of the window (see here).

The following two pics are taken from Facebook - of this elderly lady who should be an example to us all - coming out to stand up for what she believes in for the sake of the younger generation.

But the response to her offer of flowers was to be drenched by the water cannons.

There is another fren who said that he will not vote for them - simply for causing the massive traffic jams and inconvenience. Well and good too! But i hope also that they do not get the votes not just for that. There are bigger matters here, more serious and long term issues.

p/s - this post is not meant to condemn those frens who expressed their feelings on fb. They have the right to do so - as i have the right to voice mine here too.

p/p/s - except for the last 2, the pics are obtained from Al Jazeera.

*Her debut single.

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