Thursday 19 January 2012

Just the two of us* - Will Smith

The Wife said that she was glad that I could look at the matter differently from the rest and decided to do it. Truth be told, I dun think I saw it any differently. In fact, tt’s wat I told me mom – that it would be extremely jammed up at that time – both going there and coming back. The area is pretty bad and to go there after office hours at the peak time will only mean being stuck there and frustrated.

Furthermore, it was merely RM100!!! Yes, Hannah Yeoh had arranged for senior citizens like me mom to be able to shop for free up to RM100 – but only at that particular place, only between 6 – 8 pm!!! I actually told me mom that I can very well give her the RM100. In fact, I would rather give her the RM100 than to brave thru the traffic at peak hour.

Somehow – and I dun know what happened – I just relented. I agreed to do so.

So on the day in question, I got back home and did not get to rest much before embarking on our journey into “Jam-ville”.

But to our pleasant surprise, it was not very badly jammed up. Not at all! =)

I spent the next hour or so shopping for groceries with me mom. Thereafter, we went out for dinner with the Wife who joined us after she finished work. By the time dinner was over, the traffic had cleared up significantly and we got home quite stress-free. And me mom got the back seat filled with groceries!

I was really glad that something moved me to agree to take me mom there. I know for certain now it was God’s prompting. Looking back, it is clear now that it meant a lot for me mom. She is not rich – and neither are her children. Getting this RM100 is not something one gets all the time. Compared with the kind of money I get these days, it may not seem to be a lot – but it is to her. She is always so thrifty, never wasteful.

I was also thinking of how she would have felt if we all just refused to take her – which we could have very well done so. When we were young and small, she would carry us to where we want to go. When we got bigger, sure she could not afford a car but she would take us by public transport to buy our stuffs. Now that we are all grown up and have our own cars, how would she feel if we simply refuse to do so cuz it is inconvenient for us? She never complained about it being inconvenient for her.

Perhaps the best thing that came out of this was that I managed to spend some quality time with me mom! =)

It has been a long time since we have spent time together, just the two of us. Especially now that I’m married and have moved out. So while navigating the traffic and taking me mom on the short-cuts around PJ, we chatted. And I enjoyed it so much.

It was also then she told me how much she appreciated the gift that the Wife and I gave her for Christmas. It was a DVD of a popular and funny pastor in Hong Kong. She even told me the things that the pastor shared. She truly was blessed by the DVD and we praise God for that.

On top of that, she is now using the DVD to bless others too – offering to lend it to her frens and letting my niece watch it when she gets home from school. =)

I would have missed out on so much blessings if I simply refused to take me mom out in the first place. Moments like these are few and far between – and will definitely be cherished for a long long time!

*His version of this brilliant song dedicated to his son.

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