Friday 19 April 2013

Everything changes* - Take That

Ladies and gentlemen, this is my 1000th post in this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since 11112006. Almost 6 and a half years... 

Well, that's not a lot of posts. But this is a milestone of some sorts.

I know that if i just go and read the old posts, i will be transported back to those days. I will be brought back to Essex, to Barking, to London, to the life back then. I will feel the joy and taste the bitterness, i will ache again and cry once more.

I may not understand everything i have written. I will probably not feel the same way as i felt last time. I would laugh at myself for the kind of things that had happened and the the type of thoughts i was having.

Well, that *is* to be expected. Things change. People change. The only thing that is constant is the fact that everything changes.

In my post on my other blog, i talked about the changes in my life these past few months (see here). But do i regret anything? To be honest, there are some stupid things that i wished i did not do, some words which i should not have said, some people whom i should not have hurt...

But in spite of that, i am gald of the other things that have happened, the people whom i have met in these past few years, the places i have been. I am glad of the happiness i have experienced - and even the pain and the hurt i had to go thru. That's because i am who i am now because of all i have gone thru. I am who i am now because of the influence that the people around me have had on me. And i am in a place where i am thankful and i rejoice in everything the good Lord has blessed me with.

Yes, the song goes "everything changes but you...". And i can truly testify that in spite of the fact that status quo cannot be maintained forever, God will be the same - yesterday, today and forever. And that gives me hope to carry on.

Before i end my 1000th post, i just wanna say that things are going to change even more in these coming months! Yes, someone is coming into my life soon - and my life will never be the same anymore. And regarding this change - well, lemme quote Heidi Murkoff from her book, "What to expect - the first year":-

"It helps to keep in mind that change, while always challenging, can be exciting too. Though there's no doubt that it will be - in so many ways - richer and better than ever."

*The title track of their album which never fails to bring me back to London in 1994!

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