Sunday 28 April 2013

The final countdown* - Europe

This is it! According to the doctors, it can happen anytime now!!! 

There is about 2 more weeks before the due date - but who knows? She may want to enter this world sooner. Maybe she want to expereince the GE13!!! Maybe she wants her mommie to have a special Mother's Day and be able to celebrate it this year and not next. 

 We've been so busy so i guess it really have not sunk in yet. Not to its full extent. It helped when the doctor started explaning the beginning of the end - what the wife will be going thru and what we will have to do. Truth be told, it all seems a little surreal at the moment. But the "sur" will be evaporating soon! Anytime now... 

The place where it all ends - and where it will begin...
*Aruguably their most popular song with the so familiar sythe intro.

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