Sunday 29 June 2008

Anything is possible* - Debbie Gibson

Malaysia boleh!!!

Literally translated, it means 'Malaysia can!' It was a catch phrase coined many years ago to celebrate our abilities (usually for some inconsequential matter like the biggest mooncake, the largest dodol, the longest sate etc). People chant this when cheering our sportsmen. It is used to acknowledge local achievements. Unfortunately, the phrase has evolved to have a negative connotation in recent times.

This is usually in reference to how certain people seem to get away with things in this country. It refers to the hypocrisy, to the corruption, to the perversion of justice, to the blatant crony-ism. Yes, you can get away with all that here because Malaysia boleh!

It is also in reference to all the 'funny' (not amusing) things which takes place in this country.

Being 'inspired' by it all, i've started another blog. It is just to highlight news reports of these kind of incidents - and add some of my own personal views about it.

You can view it here. Enjoy!

*The title track of her 3rd album.

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