Monday 23 June 2008

I need you* - LeAnn Rimes

Alright - so all the guys loved the movie, 300! So macho, wasn't it? Well, lemme tell you something interesting - way before Gerald Butler and his 6-pack abs appeared, there was a real incident which involved 300 men battling a great army.

It seemed to be a no-win situation. 300 men on one side. Their opponents - uncountable!!!! So much so that their camels "could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore"!!!!

But unlike the movie, the 300 men triumph! Yes, art did not imitate life.

You can read the entire account in the Bible, specifically at Judges 7.

The thing which gave them the edge - and ultimately the victory - was the fact that God was on their side. No, it was not their superior fighting skills or their incomparable bravery. Reading the account, you'd note that they started off with 32,000 men. But God did not want such a big army. He knew that in such a situation, the men might just claim victory to be entirely of their effort. So, after going thru a few sifting processes, it was cut down to just 300 men.

It's a good reminder for me - and i hope to all you Christians there too. At the end of the day, everything we accomplish for our Lord is ultimately because he enables us to do so. On our own, we can do nothing. With him on our side, nothing is impossible. We need him - no two ways about it.

On a connected note, i just wanna give all glory to God for the performance last nite. A lot of well meaning people have come up and congratulated us, praising us. Let me just say that without God, we could not have come up with it. If only they were present during our final rehearsal - where we just couldn't do it right. We just left it into his hands. And he carried us thru.

We need him - every moment of our lives!

p/s - for those who missed it and would like to catch it, we'll be doing it again at Cheras Gospel Centre on July 20th.

*The title track of her 6th album.

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