Saturday 6 October 2007

My heart will go on* - Celine Dion

It was with great joy when i read yesterday that Hui Yi (pic on the right) finally got a heart to replace the mechanical one.

I also read that on the same day, another heart was available and the parents of the donor wanted Hui Yi to have it. But when they heard that she oredi received one, they left it for someone else.

So it was wif some mild surprise when i picked up this morning's newspapers and read again about Hui Yi and her heart transplant. Making the head lines on 2 days in a row? Did they not have anything else better to put on the front page.

It was when i read the article when i found that that Hui Yi's body had started to reject the first heart and the doctors had to do another heart transplant on her, using the the second heart that was miraculously available. It took a year before a heart was available to her - and when the heart came, there were 2 of it!!!! Just like London buses, eh? ;-P

Doctors said that “Hui Yi would not have made it if she had not received the second heart”. Read the article here.

Let's continue to pray her, that she'll make it this time round. And for the 2 set of parents who lost a loved one, let's pray for comfort - and that they'll indeed take heart (pun not intended) that the self-less action of their child has touched many people.

I blogged about being an organ donor previous (see here).

Many more like Hui Yi are waiting for an organ in order to resume life as normal as possible. To some, it is a matter of life and death, literally.

As i said previously - be an organ donor!!!! I can guarantee that you won't live to regret it.

*The (in)famous song from Titanic. Loved it til the radio killed it by playing it too much!!!

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