Tuesday 21 October 2008

All the small things* - Blink 182

I felt it not too long after the race started. It was prolly a tiny little pebble. It was in my left shoe. Or sock. I ignored it. I wasn't about to stop, sit down and get it out - and lose my position as well as break my momentum.

It was after all, only a tiny pebble.

Was it? Somehow, as the race went on, as the kilometers increase, the size of the pebble seemed to increase too!!! Soon, it was a real thorn in my flesh - almost literally. With every step i take, it seem to burrow a little bit more into me feet. The pain increased - slowly but surely.

In the end, i just gritted me teeth and put up with the pain for the rest of the excruciating 10 km. I took off me Nikes only after the race - and even then, i did not get the pleasure of holding that pebble in me fingers and flinging it away in anger!!! Oh well...

But it did get me thinking - some things seem to start off small but if left unattended, the small thing can grow to something really big. And the effect it has on our lives could be big too. It could be a small careless word said which if not dealt with could linger on and grow in hurt. Or a stupid little bad habit that one indulges in - which could turn into an obsession or an addiction.

I am reminded how it was the tiny rivets which eventually caused the Titanic to sink - small things which were not dealt with at an early stage.

I had to check my life - and deal with some matters.

*Their first no. 1 single and their biggest hit so far. They have since only had another 1 other no. 1 single.


mei said...

useless trivia: the word 'scruple' comes from the latin word for a small pebble, probably referring to a pebble stuck in one's shoe. think of that the next time u're trying to ignore the spirit's prompting. ;)

gosh, i'm such a nerd.

imissw said...

hehe. nerds unite!!!!

cheers for the trivia - i'm a sucker for stuffs like these!