Tuesday 14 October 2008

The sound of white* - Missy Higgins

Student: Sir! You should wear white more.
Moi: No lah. I look fatter when i wear white.
Student: You look more pro...
Moi: More professional? *laughs*

Well, i decided for the more conservative plain white shirt today as we were meeting the auditor for our Uni. After the meeting, a colleague from UoR was teasing me for getting all decked up just for the meeting! I tried to protest but to no avail! But... but... i'm always in a shirt and tie! And i even wear my jacket in class, depending on the strength of the aircond!

Oh well...

Conversation during lunch the other day - inevitably it veered towards politics, local, UK and then to the States.

MM: So you think Obama has a chance?
Moi: Yeah. I think so! (And i really hope so)
MM: *Gives a look of disbelief*
Moi: Why? Don't you think that that's possible?
MM: There is a reason why it is called the WHITE house!

Pic stolen from Chérie's photos on FB!

*The 4th single and title track of her debut album.


Ruey said...

were you wearing your white shirt with a pair of black trousers? ;)

photostat said...

MM actually said that?


imissw said...

er, yes, ruey. why? should i try a white trousers too?

the next day, i was in my usual dark shirt and tie - and this young lawyer came and asked me if i was in year 1 or 2!!!! yeah, students at taylor's go around in ties.