Thursday 15 January 2009

Through the rain* - Mariah Carey

When it rains, it pours. It's pouring like crazy now!!!!

There is just so much to do! The scary thing about it is that things will only get worse. :-(

I was telling a mate the other day that i'm "still living in 2008"!!! What i meant is that i'm still doing work which was supposed to be completed last year! I was still doing my Bible reading for last year (i've finally completed it this week, thank God)! I had promises which i made last year which are still yet to be kept. There are many 2008 movies which i still wanna watch. And I have much about last year which i still want to blog about!

But when this year started, things just started piling up. In Church, at work, everywhere else!!!! It's like the heavens parted and the rain came falling in torrents!!!

A rainy London welcomed me back last month!

Last friday nite, when i had to drag meself to a committee meeting (i was chairing so i couldn't skip it), i felt so totally exhausted and tired, and suddenly was overwhelmed by the sheer thought of the work that is needed to be done. I almost broke down and cried. Instead, i started praying. And i received the assurance that God will help me thru. No matter what. No conditions attached. He'll be there for me - and he'll help me make it thru the rain... the storms, the floods, even!

Alright. Back to marking essays!

*Her first single from her 8th studio album, this was expected to be her 'comeback' single after the disappointment of her previous one. However, this single flopped too. But i like it!

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