Friday 11 February 2011

Let me let go* - Faith Hill

I thought this was the last time. I was pretty sure it was. I have been holding on for long - if not for the fact i know the date when i first stepped foot there, i would prolly not remember how long this feeling has been going on.

I fell in love with London. I fell in love with England. Sure, i loved Scotland and Wales too - but i considered London and Colchester to be my home. ever since i got back here, my heart never seemed to settle. There is a longing always to return there - and this was obvious from the fact that i have indeed returned many times for a visit. Interestingly, in my whole life, i have only missed celebrating Chinese New Year on 4 occasions - and yes, on those 4 occasions, i was in London!!! Well, i was at Colchester on one of those 4 occasions - but let's not get too technical here! ;-)

I really cannot explain it - but perhaps that's how it is. Some things cannot be explained. It just is, period. Some people cannot stand London. But to me, i absolutely love it. Sure, it's not perfect - but then again, neither am i. Perhaps that helps me to fit in so well.

Some of me mates have expressed frustration with me always talking about England and London. They cannot understand - and they cannot stand me always talking about it.

i dun blame them - for i myself sometimes cannot stand meself talking about it. And i surely dun understand it anymore than they dun!!!!

i just got back from London recently, rekindling my old love. Lemme say first that i had an absolutely brilliant trip. Yet when i was leaving, it was not with the usual heavy heart. On my last nite, i did what i usually do - i walked alone along the embankment, enjoying the lovely mild wintry weather, listening to the busker belt out smooth jazz on his sax and gazing out on the Thames. It was sweet. Unlike the last time, it was not bittersweet.

No, i haven't fallen out of love with London - but we seemed to have come to an understanding. It is time for me to move on - and unfortunately (or fortunately?), our paths will not meet again. Not in the way it used to be.

It was like we agreed to break-up but to remain best frens!!!

Maybe tt's why i thought this would go down as my best trip ever. It is like finally being able to settle some unfinished business, to have a proper 'funeral', and to move on with life.

Yet, today, less than a week since i got back, me heart yearns for you again. why must you do this to me????? Why dun you let me let go???

No.... no, it is not your fault... . I can't blame you.

*one of my fav song of hers!


Anonymous said...

"Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."
— Samuel Johnson

Boswell and Johnson were discussing whether or not Boswell's affection for London would wear thin should he choose to live there, as opposed to the zest he felt on his occasional visits. Boswell lived in Scotland, and visited only periodically.

That's probably why you're not getting London out of your head so soon ;)

PS I don't really like the new font, I like the old sans serif font better!

imissw said...

Well, i lived in London before. That's how this 'affair' started!

You're in London now - i think you should know what i mean. =)