Thursday 21 April 2011

On bended knee* - Boyz II Men

People will recognise this painting almost immediately:-

But most do not know that it depicted what took place the night before Jesus was crucified. Some do know that it is the "Last Supper" - because it was just that! His last supper where he told his disciples to take the bread and wine to remember him.

As i was thinking of the events of that night, i recall too what took place after the supper. It was unthinkable. Jesus actually got down on his knees and washed the feet of his disciples!!!! Read the account here.

Now back in those days, the task of washing the feet of others fall on the lowest servant. Certainly no one will want to do such a thing. It was degrading and humiliating - and certainly not nice at all!

So here is the scene - Jesus, whom these men treated as their master, took the role of the slave!!!! It is even all the more mind-blowing when one realises that Jesus is not only the master of these men but he is also God in the form of man!!!!! The creator washing the feet of those he created... And even more more mind-boggling, Jesus washed the feet of Judas, knowing that he is the one who was going to betray him to a cruel and horrible death.

Why did he do that? In John 13:15, the reason he did that is to set an example for us to follow.

Truth be told, i do not know if i can humble myself to such an extent... but if God can do it, why can't i? If God himself could lower himself in such a way, i know i shud do the same.

In John 13:17, Jesus says that we will be blessed if we do the same. It is not meant to make life difficult for us but to bless us. And i can testify to this in some small extent - for the times when i do things for others, i feel blessed myself. It is indeed more blessed to give than to receive.

If only i practice that more in my life...

*Their no. 1 hit in 1994, it actually took the no. 1 spot from another Boyz II Men song!

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