Sunday 17 June 2007

We could be together* - Debbie Gibson

"So when did you last meet up with Augustine?", i asked Chris when Stephan and i met up wif her last Sunday. Chris and Augustine are the only lawyers from our batch to be based at Kota Kinabalu.

Chris gave us an embarrassed grin and gestured towards Stephan saying "When you came over to KK"!!!

We all laughed - but we're all guilty of the same. While most of us are based in the Klang Valley, the last time we all met up was when Chris came over. In fact, the only time we all ever meet up together is when either Chris or Augustine flies across the South China Sea and touch down on our shores!!! We'd all have a good laugh because the last time Augustine or Chris saw any of us was prolly the last time we saw of each other too! And it's the same the other way round - Chris will only meet up wif Augustine at KK only when one of us go over there!

It's kinda sad in some ways. Here we are, living so close to each other, but never being able to make the time to meet up - unless someone from out of town visits. Sometimes, tt's how it is. Everyone just seem to be so busy and caught up wif their own lives. Having each other so close just makes us take each other for granted. "We can meet up any time", we'd think - but we never do!

So it is really good if someone from out of town visits - that way, we all seem to make the extra effort to be together again.

Just like yesterday, we met up to have a game of tennis - because JT will be leaving to go back to the States. KC was back from Ipoh for Father's Day weekend, KP just got back from Taiwan while JM will be leaving to the States for work. So we took time from our busy schedule and dragged ourselves out of bed at an ungodly hour (for a Saturday morning) and baked under the hot blazing sun for hours playing tennis together - cuz it'll prolly be the last time the 5 of us could ever do that together again.

JT only was back for a couple of weeks but thanks to him, we all not only managed to spend time wif him but for a lot of us here, we all also got the chance to catch up wif each other.

Nice having you back, mate. It'll prolly be another 2 years or so before we'll see ya again - hopefully sooner, rather than later, because when you do come back, we all here could be together again.

*Her 4th single from her 2nd album, Electric Youth, it din do well in the charts but it was one of our favourites back then!

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