Wednesday 20 June 2007

Let's run away* - Debbie Gibson

Immediately after the camp at Fraser's drew to a close, i travelled down south to join me family for a second holiday. We'd always joke that after a tiring camp, we would need another holiday to recover from it. Well, this year, i actually did that.

After the madness of work (see
here), the busyness of the camp (see here) and my 12 hour journey from Fraser's Hill to Tampin**, i just needed to recharge, to recuperate, to get away from it all. It was simply great!!!! We stayed at a rented bungalow in the A'Famosa Resort.

We had loads of fun at the Animal World wif some pretty entertaining animal shows. The highlight for me was when an eagle soared just above me head - we were told to duck and i did, or else i'd have a scar on me head courtesy of the eagle's sharp talons!!!

I had loads of fun taking pics of the animals...

And of me nephew and neice...

When we got back, we just lazed the time away. We swam in our own private pool...

Played badminton on the driveway of our bungalow...

And slept. At least, tt's what i did - a lot!!!! Me family had a good time at the Cowboy Town, enjoyed a fireworks display each nite, watched DVDs in the the confort of our fuly air-conditioned bungalow, ate etc.

So good to get away from it all!!!! I must say that A Famosa Resort is not too bad. A great place to bring yr kids. The only catch was that they make you pay for almost everything!

**i wanted to blog about it but am too exhausted just thinking about it - suffice to say, dun travel by public transportation on a Sunday evening which was the end of a long weekend and which fell during school holidays!!!! The last time i felt so claustrophobic was during the Boxing Day sale in London last year (see here).

*The last song from her Think with your heart album, one of the many songs which had an orchestral backing.

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