Tuesday 5 February 2008

You got a nerve* - Chyi

I'm back... with the batteries in me MP3 player almost drained, new stamps in me passport (the first of many this year, i hope), RM0.17 worth of credit left in me mobile, and loads of photos.

So much to talk about - expect a flurry of Singapore related posts in the next few days!!!

But the sad thing is that when i got back, i was greeted by this news story -

Bibles confiscated by Customs Dept.

On Jan 28, missionary Juliana Nicholas returned from a trip to the Philippines carrying with her two boxes containing 32 bibles meant for her church group.

Upon arrival at the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Kuala Lumpur, she was told to declare and open the contents of the boxes.

Having done so - and despite showing them a letter from her parish priest stating the texts were for use by the church - Nicholas was shocked to be hear subsequently that the bibles would be “referred" to the Internal Security Ministry’s Publications and Al-Quran Texts Control Division.

Go read it here.

Since then, the Internal Security has denied any involvement in the matter and has stated clearly that the "... Customs officer has no authority to do so" (See report here).

He has got some nerve!!!!

But think about it - why would he be so daring to do such a thing? Perhaps it's the message that the government is giving out, impliedly or otherwise, intentionally or not.

Welcome home, Min An!

*This is her remake of Rod Stewart's old song.

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