Saturday, 15 November 2008

Stay the same* - Joe McIntyre

So everyone was talking about 'change' since Obama became the new President-elect of the USA. That is a good thing. Change can be good - if it is to change from something bad.

It is almost a paradox but one can say that the only constant in life these days is change! And if it's for the better, then we should be pleased with it.

Last Sunday, i was reminded of one thing however that doesn't change. One thing that remains the same - yesterday, today and forever! The only thing that doens't need to change - how can you improve on perfection?

Yes, the Bible tells us that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).And that is so good to know! In this world of uncertainty, having witnessed recession, broken relationships, natural tragedies as well as those man-made, it is reassuring to be reminded that God's love will always remain the same - as strong and as powerful as ever. The well of his goodness will never run dry. The river of peace that he brings will always flow strongly. His love for us will always be like new every morning.

*The lead single from his debut solo album of the same title

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