Saturday 21 April 2007

For the first time* - Kenny Loggins

No one would give the view outside the 5th floor window a second look, let alone be mesmerised by it. No one except me nephew!

He excitedly pulled me away from the ward saying he had something he wanted me to see. I followed him to the lift lobby and looked out the window with anticipation - and i was puzzled. It was dark outside and all one could see was the construction site directly next to the hospital. Yet, that was exactly wat he was talking about!

Dirt all over, pillars sticking out of the ground, a sky lift and two huge cranes, the floor of the first floor partially completed, a few construction workers in their hard helmets putting in the overtime working under the help of the spotlights.

Nothing interesting let alone spectacular. But it got him so excited! Yeah, he's a big Bob the Builder fan! And he was so intrigued by wat was going on. "What are they doing? Why are they putting the sand there? What is the sand for? Why is he cutting the wood? How are they going to pour the sand in? Will it make a loud noise?"

Question after question came faster than bullets from Rambo's M60. And the more he asked, the more intrigued i became too! Yes, why were they doing that? And how are they going to do that? What was that for? I thought hard and answered me nephew the best i could - altho, after a while, i wondered if i was answering to satisfy his curiosity or mine!

Then the crane operator started the huge machine - and i gave a running commentary on what was happening! Hey, i lived wif a crane outside me window for months (see here) so i guess i'm kinda an expert!!! ;-)

Before we knew it, his parents came and announced that it was time to go home. He protested - in vain - that he wanted to stay on wif me to watch! :-)

Even now, when i walk over to the lift lobby and glance out the window, i'm reminded of the wide-eyed amazement me nephew had when he looked outside. And i think to meself how we can learn so much from a child's eyes. I mean, wif the crazy hectic pace life goes these days, we never really take the time to be fascinated by simple things around us - simple in the sense that it's everywhere - but if we stop to look and think, we'll be surprised at the wonder that can fill us. It may be a wonder of God's creation - or it may be wonder of science (which is also created by God) or man's creativity (which is a reflection of his creator).

Don't take me word for it. Try it. Literally take the time to stop to smell the roses. Take time to really look at something - like you're looking at it for the first time, with a child's eyes.

It'll be such a tragedy if we are too busy living life to enjoy it!

p/s - anyone caught a sight of the glorious sunset yesterday after the heavy showers? It literally took me breath away! Too bad me camera is still wif someone *ahem* so that moment is lost forever except in me memory.

*This song which was featured in George Clooney's One Fine Day, hit #1 of the Adult Contemporary chart in 1997

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