Sunday, 2 November 2008

Uninvited* - Alanis Morrisette

Some people can have really thick skins!!!

When i entered the room for the debriefing session for all mooters and coaches, i was mildly surprised to see an unfamiliar face - and one that was all too familiar!

I found out later that the former was the boyfriend of one of the mooters!!!! What in the world was he doing in there? He even had the cheek to take a sit around the table leaving some of the actual mooters and coach having to stand.

This was a debriefing session for all mooters and coaches. We were supposed to share our views and be brutally honest so that the organisers can learn from whatever shortcomings there were, if any.

It wasn't the place for anyone to bring in their other half to listen to all the juicy stuffs. Did he not feel a little shameful, sitting there, listening in, taking the seat of actual mooters and coach? He had no business being there!

That was the 'unfamiliar' face. The 'familiar face' was just like the former - he was not a mooter nor was he a coach. He was basically a loser from the national rounds - that's how he was 'familiar'. Still, he was eliminated in the national rounds so he had no business being present at the debriefing session for the international rounds.

As if his presence wasn't bad enuf, he actually had to have a say in the proceedings!!!! What the..??? He had no locus standi to even be in the room. But he was thick-skinned enuf not only to be there but to participate!!!!

No, we kept quiet. No point raising it up at that point of time - no harm realy done anyways. And who knows - maybe the 2 were specially invited to join? I doubt so, tho...

*Taken from the movie City of Angels.


Anonymous said...

considering u have a link to me i figured i should let u know the blog name is no longer.

haven't deleted it, just renamed :)

imissw said...

ok. noted and amended!