Tuesday 19 January 2010

Make me lose control* - Eric Carmen

I was amused when i read about some members of the British police who decided to use their shields to slide on the ice. Here is a clip of them having a little fun:-

They were reprimanded but their superiors also did say that snow brings out the child in all of us!

Looking at the vid, i remembered the time when me UEL mates were at Scotland. It was a ski resort at Breamar but none of us knew how to ski. so we just hung around and enjoyed the place.

Then someone from our found a toboggan! We decided to have fun! :-)

So off we went, found a nice little hilly patch (the whole place was covered with snow) and took turns sliding down the slope! It was super fun! :-) It was super fast and there was no way to control it. We just sat on it and hung on to the front tip for dear life, whizzing down at high speeds and having the cold wind blowing against our faces. It was also super scary!

One of my frens, H was having her turn on the toboggan. M was standing around, perhaps waiting to fetch the toboggan later, but his back was turned. The unpredictability of the thing led H to be sliding directly at M!!!!! We all screamed and shout at M to move away but he did not hear. Too far down the hill. Then when the horrible collision looked inevitable, H heroicly threw herself off the toboggan!!!! She crashed to the side with many rolls and we feared the worse.

Running down the hill to her rescus, we were relieved to see H pick herself up with a HUGE grin on her face and a thumbs-up sign!

Yeah, there's something about snow tt makes us all lose it. It was later that night when we felt all the bruises - which was probably numbed by the cold when we were out in the snow.

*Used to be so crazy over this with its cool bass riff.

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