Tuesday 10 March 2009

I am woman* - Helen Reddy

I jumped outta bed when the alarm went off at 10 minutes after 5 in the morning - and promptly went back to sleep after turning it off. 30 mins later, i forced meself to sit up. Every inch of me body screamed at me to just forget about it and drop back onto me pillow and head towards slumberland again.

But somehow, with superhuman effort steely determination, i was up, changed and in me car - before i could even talk meself out of it.

Where was i heading to? What did i do?

That, my frens, will remain a secret for now. But suffice to say that i 'became' a pretty girl for 30 minutes. All that effort for just half an hour!

Yeah, go ahead and have field day and knock yourself out making all the assumptions and insinuations. It was worth it! ;-)

*This was the first song by an Aussie to hit #1 on the Billboard chart. It was also the first Australian-penned song to win a Grammy Award.

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