Tuesday 24 March 2009

I'm with you* - Avril Lavigne

I originally wanted to name this post after James Blunt's "Who am I" but that was used in an earlier post.

When Moses was asked to lead God's people out of slavery from Egypt, he gave God many excuses. 5, to be precise - see Exodus chapters 3 and 4.

His first excuse was "Who am I?"

And i found that this was a common excuse given when God asks us to do something for him. It sure is one of mine.

One asks this when one feels inadequate. It's like asking God - why are you picking me? Who am I? I'm nobody. There are so many other more qualified person. I'm unworthy. I'm not ready.

Inevitably, this excuse leads to Moses' 5th excuse - "Please send someone else".

The problem with that is that God may actually do that! I have experienced that before. And i learnt that God does not need us to accomplish his will. If we refuse to play a part - or have a wrong sense of humility - he can easily use someone else to achieve the same results.

And i end up the loser - not being able to play a part in accomplishing God's will on earth, missing out on the numerous blessings one receives when one allows God to work thru him/her.

Well, the root of the problem is that we look at ourselves too much. When we do, we see only our shortcomings, our inadequacies, our sins. No wonder we ask "Who am I?"

But when we look to God, we see his power, his sovereignty, his love. And we realise that with God, nothing is impossible!

It is unsurprising that God replies Moses by telling Moses that he (God) will be with him (Moses)! He said "I will be with you". So stop looking at yourself and look instead at the mighty God who is with you!

If God is on our side, what can we not do?

*Her first ballad released as a single.


-- J e e L e e -- said...

Not only that, God was so amazingly patient with Moses, assuring him one time after another, and again and again....

Even till he gets angry and still is patient with him.

And He's like that with us too. Such humbling thoughts rite? Who am I that the Lord of the Universe would be so patient with us, over and over again.

I enjoy our study!

imissw said...

yeah, praise God! good stuffs!

thanks for sharing yr thought!

cheryl said...

Wanted to share two quotes my TL made on the topic. Was reminded of it when I read ur post.

"Anyone plus God is a potent and irresistible force."

"The will of God will never lead you where the power of God cannot enable you."
