Friday 1 December 2006

I will always love you* - Whitney Houston

That’s how one of me mates feel about her ex-boyfriend. He’s the first guy she ever loved – and he’ll be the one she loves for the rest of her life, even if they won’t end up together.

It sure doesn’t seem that way – separated by 2 continents, scarred by a messy break-up. Yet, I believe there’s still hope for them. After all, they are frens now. Just frens. But how important it is for couples to be friends first before anything else.

I had to smile when she told me that ever since that guy, all her subsequent boyfriends – serious or otherwise – were chosen because of one or more things about them which reminded her of her first – and true – love! Sometimes, it may be the physical appearance, while others the reminders may not be so obvious to the eye.

I smiled cuz know exactly what she meant. I am sure that a lot of people are guilty - albeit sub-consciously - of always measuring everyone with the standard set by one particular person.

I believe that many has someone just like me mate has her ex-boyfren – someone whom they truly loved, and will always love for the rest of their lives. And if that someone is not the one they end up with, dun feel sorry for them – for so few in this world can honestly say that they truly – and will always – love a person.

* Lovely song from the soundtrack the movie, The Bodyguard. Hard to believe it's a remake of a country western song by Dolly Parton!!!!


-- J e e L e e -- said...

"so few in this world can honestly say that they truly – and will always – love a person."

I like that. :)

...and, i know i haven't spoken to u for quite some time already. Still, i'm reading. And take care kayz. :)

imissw said...

nice to hear from u! you take care too! :-)