Wednesday 9 June 2010

Only He* - Stephanie Lawrence

I have been reading from the book of Job these past few days. Among others, i read Job 38 - 41. And after reading it, i started thinking of part of the lyrics from Nicole Mullins' song, My Redeemer Lives. Specifically, it was the first part:-

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?

(Sunrise seen from the North Towers, UoE)

And who told the ocean you can only come this far?

(Seaside at Mersea)

And who showed the moon where to hide till evening?

(Moon appearing at dusk over South Courts UoE)

Whose words alone can catch a falling star?

(God's words being read at Temerloh)

Who? Only God can do such things.

Then Job replied to the LORD, "I know that you can do all things."
Job 42v1-2

*Taken from the soundtrack for the musical, Starlight Express which featured the original cast.


cheryl said...
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cheryl said...

Uncle Charles!!!!!!

Lol. Sorree...ter-excited seeing uncle charles' face. But he won't remember me lah, coz I am just one of the many RBS students who stayed at his place in Mentakab during our mission trip week more than a decade ago :P

We're studying the book of Job in Kajang Gospel Centre's bible study now too ;)