Thursday 4 January 2007

If you wanna be happy* - Jimmy Soul

It was right then that I started thinking of Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence; and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and I remember thinking, “How did he know to put the 'pursuit' part in there?” That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue, and maybe we can actually never have it, no matter what. How did he know that?

Chris Gardner (Will Smith) in The Pursuit of Happyness

I always liked Will Smith movies - even Wild Wild West! None of the movies with him in it have disappointed me - so far. The only other actor who falls into that category is Mel Gibson. John Cussack used to be in that category too until i watched Serendipity. What a pity...

Let me tell you how good The Pursuit of Happyness is - there i was, feeling tired and sleepy, not in the mood to watch any movies, but somehow, i decided to just give it 5 mins or so before turning in. I ended up watching the whole movie.

I dun know exactly what made it so appealing to me. It must be Will Smith's engaging personality that he puts into all his characters that he plays. Or maybe i just can emphatise with him being broke... ;-) Prolly it is the usual small-but-nice-guy-beats-the-odds feel-good theme. Whatever it is, it was gooood!

I dun think i'll be spoiling the movie for you if i tell you that he succeeds in his pursuit of happiness. And in that scene where he weeps for joy, i recalled those incidents when i did the same, last year. Yes, incidentS!!! That nite all alone in the PC lab, getting the results of my exam, when i took me mate's advice which paid off, dancing on the streets in the wee hours of the morning, getting that wonderful news on X'mas day.

I guess all this show that we can not only pursue happiness but catch it too! :-) Trust me, i know it for a fact! ;-) And i've been so blessed.

p/s - poster obtained from a link in IMDB

*I would have prolly never heard this song if it was not included in the brilliant soundtrack of My Best Friend's Wedding.

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